Our Pastor

Pastor Leonard, First Lady Dianne Slater and Son Justin

Leonard Slater is the pastor and founder of Family Life Bible Fellowship (FLBF) Church. Pastor and Dianne have been married for over 37 years and have one son, Justin. Pastor Slater has been in ministry for 38 years and licensed and ordained for over 27 years. 

God has given Pastor a heart for family relationship in the body of Christ. He believes that healthy family relationships build good communities, success cities, great states, and a powerful nation. He also believes that the absence of Godly family relationships have eroded the Body of Christ and poorly affected our future generations.

Furthermore, divisions and divorce have been the catalyst by which Christian families suffer. Therefore, God has given him the vision at FLBF which is to minister to the needs of the entire family by teaching and training them to experience total victory in Christ through the Word of God.

At FLBF, spiritual and natural growth is of the utmost importance. For that to occur, we recommend regular participation in worship services, daily devotional time in prayer, and persistent study of the Word.