Church History

Church History

God put a strong desire in Pastor Leonard Slater’s spirit to begin a ministry that would minister to the spiritual, mental, and physical needs of the entire family. The first service of Family Life Bible Fellowship Church (FLBFC) was held on Sunday, November 4, 2001, in Room 112 at Goodwyn Hall on the Auburn University at Montgomery campus.  We started the church with the Praise Team and musician ministries. We also held our Bible Studies on Wednesday nights at Goodwyn Hall.  

After eighteen months, Pastor Slater and the leaders began their search for a new location. Through faith and diligence FLBFC was able to acquire this current property at 2004 Miller Street in May of 2003.  We would hold our services in the fellowship hall until the renovations of the sanctuary were completed.  The dedication service for our sanctuary was held on October 12, 2003.  The following ministries were added within the next three years:  Sisterhood, Brotherhood, Marriage Class, Singles’, Dance & Mime, Youth, and Nursery.